Saturday, October 27, 2012

कैसे करें ऑनलाइन जॉब ऐप्लिकेशन

मनचाहा करियर  पाना हर किसी की चाहत होती है और करियर  की दिशा में आगे बढने की पहली सीढी है जॉब के लिए आवेदन करना। आजकल सब कुछ हाइटेक  हो गया है। वैसे तो युवा पीढी टेक्नोलॉजी के मामले में बहुत स्मार्ट है, फिर भी ऑनलाइन  जॉब ऐप्लिकेशन भेजते समय कई बार कुछ ऐसी गलतियां हो जाती हैं, जो आवेदनकर्ता के लिए नुकसान देह साबित हो सकती हैं। इसलिए ऑनलाइन  जॉब ऐप्लिकेशन फॉर्म भरते समय आपको इन बातों का ध्यान जरूर रखना चाहिए :

1.  हमेशा अपडेट  करें रेज्यूमे : 

आमतौर पर युवाओं को जब वेबसाइट्स पर किसी जॉब का विज्ञापन दिखाई देता है, वे आनन-फानन अपना वही पुराना रेज्यूमे भेज देते हैं। ऐसा न करें क्योंकि इससे नियोक्ताओं के सामने अच्छा इंप्रेशन  नहीं जाएगा। हर जॉब की अपनी प्रोफशनल  मांग होती है और बिना अपडेट किए रेज्यूमे  भेजने से यह जाहिर होता है कि आवेदक अपने करियर के प्रति गंभीर नहीं है।

2. जरूरी है सावधानी : 

 रेज्यूमे  तैयार करते समय यह सुनिश्चित कर लें कि उसमें आपके निजी विवरण और शैक्षणिक योग्यता से जुडी सारी जानकारियां हों। अंत में अपना मोबाइल नंबर लिखना न भूलें।

3. जॉब की जरूरतों को समझें : 

 पहले विज्ञापन को ध्यान से पढकर संबंधित पद के लिए जरूरी क्वॉलिफिकेशंस और सॉफ्ट स्किल्स को समझें। फिर उस जॉब से संबंधित अपनी योग्यताओं को उभारते हुए नया रेज्यूमे  तैयार करें।

4. सही क्रम में हों जानकारियां : 

 अपने रेज्यूमे में विशेष शैक्षणिक योग्यताओं और पूर्व कार्य अनुभवों का उल्लेख जरूर करें। इस क्रम में आपकी नवीनतम शैक्षणिक योग्यता या वर्तमान जॉब का उल्लेख सबसे पहले होना चाहिए। नवीनतम योग्यताएं आवेदक और नियोक्ता दोनों के लिए ज्यादा अहमियत रखती हैं।

5.  अधूरी न हो ऐप्लिकेशन : 

 नियोक्ता केवल उसी ऐप्लिकेशन पर विचार करते हैं, जो पूरी तरह भरी गई हो। आवेदक को जॉब पोर्टल पर सारी जानकारियों के साथ ही रजिस्ट्रेशन करवाना चाहिए। ऐप्लिकेशन मेल करने से पहले अच्छी तरह चेक कर लें।

6.  अपेक्षित  सैलरी का उल्लेख करें: 

 कुछ उम्मीदवार यह बताने की जरूरत नहीं समझते कि वह कंपनी से कितनी सैलरी की उम्मीद रखते हैं। अगर आवेदन में अपेक्षित सैलरी के बारे में पूछा गया हो तो उसका उल्लेख जरूर करें क्योंकि किसी भी पद के लिए हर कंपनी का अपना निश्चित बजट होता है। ऐसा उल्लेख कंपनी और आवेदक दोनों के लिए सुविधाजनक होता है।

7.  जल्दबाजी न करें:  

 कोई भी कंपनी कर्मचारियों का चयन पहले आओ-पहले पाओ के सिद्धांत के आधार पर नहीं करती, बल्कि उनकी योग्यता को अच्छी तरह जांचने-परखने के बाद ही उनका चुनाव करती है। इसलिए ऐप्लिकेशन भेजते समय कवर लेटर और रेज्यूमे  को कम से कम दो बार अच्छी तरह चेक कर लें। सबसे हास्यास्पद स्थिति तब होती है, जब उम्मीदवार ई-मेल के साथ रेज्यूमे  की फाइल अटैच करना भूल जाते हैं।

8.  भडकीली फॉर्मेटिंग, लच्छेदार भाषा और किसी भी तरह का व्यक्तिगत निवेदन नियोक्ता के सामने न रखें। पूरी तरह औपचारिक भाषा में और प्रोफेशनल ढंग से रेज्यूमे  तैयार करें।

9.  जिस जॉब के लिए जो क्वॉलिफिकेशन मांगी जाए, सिर्फ उसी का जिक्र करें। अगर आपके पास कुछ ऐसी अतिरिक्त योग्यताएं हैं, जिनका उस जॉब से कोई संबंध न हो तो उनका जिक्र न करें और न ही अपनी योग्यताओं को बढा-चढाकर पेश करें।

10.  अगर एक सप्ताह तक नियोक्ता की ओर से कोई जवाब न आए तो उसके फॉलोअप के लिए फोन  कर लेना चाहिए , पर ध्यान रहे कि बातचीत का अंदाज शालीन हो और बार-बार  फोन करके जानकारी मांगने से अच्छा इंप्रेशन  नहीं पडता। नियोक्ता द्वारा दिए गए निर्देशों का पूरी तरह पालन करें। अगर फोन करने को मना किया गया हो तो ऐसा न करें।

समझें कवर लेटर की अहमियत

ऑनलाइन जॉब ऐप्लिकेशन के साथ अकसर लोग कवर लेटर भेजने की जरूरत नहीं समझते। उन्हें ऐसा लगता है कि जब रेज्यूमे में सब कुछ लिखा ही है तो अलग से कवर लेटर भेजने की क्या जरूरत है? लेकिन वास्तव में ऐसा नहीं है। ऑनलाइन जॉब ऐप्लिकेशन में कवर लेटर ही संवाद स्थापित का काम करता है। रेज्यूमे में तो आपकी योग्यता और अनुभव से संबंधित जानकारियां होती हैं, पर जैसे बातचीत की शुरुआत से पहले औपचारिक अभिवादन जरूरी होता है, उसी तरह रेज्यूमे से पहले कवर लेटर में इस बात की जानकारी होती है कि आप अमुक उद्देश्य से अपना रेज्यूमे भेज रहे हैं। इसलिए ऑनलाइन जॉब ऐप्लिकेशन भेजते समय कवर लेटर जरूर तैयार करें और इस दौरान इन बातों का विशेष  

ध्यान रखें :

- कवर लेटर बिलकुल संक्षिप्त और सारगर्भित होना चाहिए।
-हमेशा पॉइंट्स बना कर लिखें।
-कवर लेटर में संदर्भ का उल्लेख जरूर होना चाहिए कि अमुक जॉब के बारे में आपको कहां से जानकारी मिली।
-कुछ लोग कवर लेटर तैयार करते समय इंटरनेट से मैटर उठाकर कट-पेस्ट कर देते हैं। ऐसा करने से बचें क्योंकि आपके कवर लेटर की घिसी-पिटी भाषा शैली का नियोक्ताओं पर अच्छा असर नहीं पडेगा।
-ऐसी परेशानी से बचने के लिए कवर लेटर तैयार करने में इंटरनेट की मदद ले सकते हैं, लेकिन अपनी समझ से उसकी भाषा-शैली बदल लें, पर ध्यान रहे कि उसमें व्याकरण और प्रूफ संबंधी गलतियां न हों।
-कवर लेटर में उन्हीं बातों का दुहराव नहीं होना चाहिए, जिनका जिक्र पहले से ही रेज्यूमे में किया जा चुका है।
-कवर लेटर को ई-मेल के साथ अटैच करके न भेजें। ऐसे में कई बार मेल प्राप्त करने वाले व्यक्ति को पहले रेज्यूमे और बाद में कवर लेटर दिखाई देता है। कवर लेटर भेजने का सही तरीका यह है कि उसे पहले मेल की बॉडी में टाइप करें और रेज्यूमे को उसी मेल के साथ अटैच कर दें। इससे ई-मेल चेक करने वाले व्यक्ति को पहले कवर लेटर और बाद में रेज्यूमे दिखाई देगा।

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Computer को गती Slow हुनुको कारण Fast गराउने पाँच उपाय

Computer पहिलाको भन्दा गती slow हुँदै गएको छ भने त्यसलाई फेरी कसरी Fast Speed मा ल्याउने केहि तरीकाहरु: 

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३. के तपाइंलाई Windows Defender को बारेमा थाहा छ त्यो तपाईंको Control Panel मा नै बसेको हुन्छ त्यो पनि एक Antivirus नै नै हो जसले Internet बाट आउने Virus लगाएत अन्य Computer मा रहेका Virus लाई रोक्ने मद्दत गर्दछ त्यसलाई नियमीत Scan गरीराख्नुहोला Windows Defender खोल्दा खेरी सधैं यहाँ तलको चित्र जस्तो ठिक चिन्ह देखिनु पर्छ यदी तपाइंले Windows Defender लाई नियमीत Update अथवा Scan गरीराख्नु भएन भने त्यसको कारणले Computer मा नराम्रो नोक्सानी पुर्याउन सक्छ र Speed पनि कम्ती हुदै जान्छ

४. धेरै साथीहरु सजिलो को लागी Desktop मा Shortcut File बनाएर राख्छन त्यसको कारणले पनि Computer Speed कमी हुँदै जान्छ यदी हजुरले पनि त्यसो गर्नु भएको छ भने त्यो तरीका ठिक होइन र हामीले Computer खोल्नासाथ एउटा File अर्को Folder र अर्को Folder को झन अर्को Folder मा दैनिकी बदली रहह्न्छौँ यसो गर्नु ठिक होइन किनकी यसो गर्नाले Computer मा अनाबश्यक File हरु आँफै बनिदिन्छ जुन त्यस्ता File हरु तपाइंले सजिलो संग देख्न सक्नुहुन्न र Computer को Memory घट्दै जान्छ अनि आफुलाई आबश्यक भन्दा बढी Sofwate Compter मा Install गरेर नराखौं यस्ता धेरै साथेहरु हुन्छन Software Install गरेर त्यत्तिकै राख्छन जहाँ त्यसको कामै छैन र त्यस्ता Software तुरुन्त हटाईहाल्नुहोस Control panel / Add or remove मा गएर अनि Desktop बाट पनि त्यसको File हटाउनुहोस त्यस्ता Fileहरु Desktop मा अरु पनि छ भने हटाउनुहोस र तपाईं हामीले कुनै पनि Music Video photo अथवा Software Documents चाहे जे सुकै पनि Download अथवा Save गर्दा Local Disk (C:) मा गएर बसेको हुन्छ त्यसले गर्दा Computer को RAM घट्दै जान्छ र Computer Slow हुन पुग्छ त्यसैले यस्ता File हरु Save अथवा Download गर्दा Local Disk (D:) अथवा अरु कुनै Drive मा Save गर्नुहोला

५. अब म हजुरलाई Disk Defragmenter को बारेमा चर्चा गर्छु यो Disk Defragmenter पनि हजुरले हरेक हप्ता मा एक वा एक भन्दा बढी जती सक्दो धेरै चोटी गरीरख्दा आफ्नो Computer ताजा स्वस्थ रहिरहन्छ र Speed पनि बढी रहन्छ अनिबार्य गर्नुहोला र आउनुस कसरी गर्ने त Disk Defragmenter सबैभन्दा पहिला "Start" Button मा Click गरेर "Disk Defragmenter" Type गरी त्यसलाई खोल्नुहोस अथवा "Win Logo+R" लाई एकैसाथ थिचेर त्यहाँ खुलेको Box मा यो "dfrg.msc" Type गरेर "Ok" गर्नुहोस र अब त्यहाँ खुलेको Box मा Computer मा रहेको Drive हरुको नाम देखिएको हुन्छ र हजुरले "Local Disk (D:) मा Click गरेर तल "Defragment disk" मा Click गर्नुहोस

त्यसपछी Automatic त्यहाँ काम शुरु हुन थाल्छ र जब त्यहाँ काम शिध्दिएपछी त्यहाँ तपाइंलाई Computer Restart गर्ने की नगर्ने भनेर सोध्छ तपाइंले Computer Restart गर्नुहोस

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Profit Cliking बाट कमाउने २ तरिका

Profit Cliking बाट हामीले २ तरिकाले कमाउन सक्छौ 
१.लगानी गरेरः 
तपाईले आफुले कम्तीमा १० डलर देखि माथि लागानी गरेर दैनिक कमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । जसले गर्दा दिनमा २ प्रतिशतका दरले कमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । हप्ताको शनिबार र आइतबारको दिन भने तपाईको १ दशमलब ५ प्रतिशतको दरले आम्दानी हुन्छ । जस्तै यसमा तपाईले कति लगानी गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ त्यसमा भर पर्छ । जस्तै उदाहरणको लागि 
तपाईको १ कित्ता सेयरको अर्थात १ पोजिसन्को १० डलर पर्छ।तपाईले मानौ २० वटा सेयर खरिद गर्नुहुन्छ भने २०० डलर लगानी गर्नुपर्दछ । यसबाट तपाईलाई दैनिक २ प्रतिशतका दरले ४ डलर कमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ र हप्ताको शनिबार र आईतबारको दिन भने ३ डलर कमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ। तपाईले जति पनि लगानी गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ।
२. बिज्ञापन गरेरः 
तपाईले दैनिक राम्रो कमाउनको लागि धेरै लगानी गर्न सक्नुहुन्न भने कम लगानीको बाबजुद पनि यो कम्पनीको बिज्ञापन गरेर धेरै कमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ । जस्तो कि कुनै पनि ब्यक्तिलाई तपाईले यो कम्पनीमा सिफारिस गराएर यो कम्पनीको आफ्नो दैनिक आम्दानी गर्नलाई लगानी गर्दछ भने तपाईलाई कम्पनीले १० प्रतिशतसम्म कमिसन ृउपलब्ध गराउनेछ । जस्तै उदाहरणको लागि
कुनै राम भन्ने ब्यक्तिलाई सिफारिस गर्नुभयो र रामले १० वटा सेयर अर्थात १०० डलर तिरेर पोजिसन खरिद गरी दिनको २ डलर आम्दानी गर्दछ भने तपाईले चाहि उसले लगानी गरेको बखतमा कम्पनीले लगानीको १० प्रतिशत यानीकी १० डलर कमाउन सक्नुहुन्छ जसबाट यो आम्दानी तपाईको लागि वनटाइम हो । जब तपाईले रेफर गरेको ब्यक्तिले पोजिसन खरिद गर्दछ तब तपाइको खातामा १० प्रतिशत कमिसन झरिहाल्छ । अब तपाईले राम जस्तो ब्यक्ति कतिजनासम्म बिज्ञापन गरेर निकाल्न सक्नुहुन्छ । कति मार्केटिङ गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । कति पोजिसन खरिद गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ र अरुलाई खरिद गराउन सक्नुहुन्छ त्यति तपाईको आम्दानी Profit clicking मा आउछ।

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Profit Clicking

 Profit Clicking company एउटा online business हो। यसको स्थापनामा 2004 AD. भएको हो। यसले आफ्नो online business 1997 बाट सुरु गरेको हो। यसका सस्थापक तथा CEO Federick Mann हुन जो South Africa का नागरिक हुन। यस company को पुरानो नाम Just Been Paid हो। यस बारेमा पुरा विवरण थाहा पाउन Profit Clicking मा click गर्नुहोस यो विश्वको सवभन्दा बढी visitors  हुने मध्ये 130 स्थानमा   पर्छ। यसका worldwide member 10 millions above छन्।

About Profit Clicking

Profit Clicking is a business in the world. This is established in 2004 AD. All friends are who searching online business or online earning site to go to profit clicking site’s owner or CEO is Federick Mann who works in South Africa. He was starting online job in 1997AD. This is official website is Profit Clicking and site ranking 130 from 1. This site worldwide member is 10 million above. Profit clicking site is Traffic Exchange Advertising Program.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

About Swargadwari

Swargadwari situated in the Pyuthan district in the western region of Nepal at 1740m.  Swargadwari is also famous for the Vedic Yagyan set up by Swami Shree Hansananda Giri Sworgadwari Mahaprabhu. Legend has it that the king of all deities; Indra had also performed a Yagyan in Satya Yuga at this place. It is "a must see" destination for Hindu pilgrims. There is the Swargadwari temple. Many believe that the Swargadwari Guru Maharaj was an incarnation of God.
This is a hilltop temple complex and pilgrimage site in Pyuthan District, Nepal commemorating the special role of cows in Hindusim. It is said to have been founded by one Guru Maharaj who spent most of his life in the vicinity herding and milking thousands of cows. According to traditional stories, some of his devotees followed him to see where he took the cows.
Before he left physical body the Guru gave some of his powers to a few disciples. On the day he departed his physical body by his own wish, a number of people gathered around him at the place where he habitually meditated. The Guru left his body after bidding goodbye to his disciples and other followers. His favourite cow also died at the same instant, then the rest of the cows miraculously disappeared within a few days. There are also accounts of cows emptying their milk by themselves every day at the same time, at the place where the Guru died.Swargadwari is counted among Nepal's top pilgrimage sites and is listed in a national inventory of cultural and historic heritage sites.
As of 2009, a cable car to the temple complex was under construction. In the aftermath of the 1996-2006 Nepalese Civil War, donations of straw and hay had diminished to a point where resident cattle at Swargawari were in danger of starving.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Kushe Aausi (Father Day)

Father, mother and teacher are given the place of God in Hindu religion. Father, Pita or Babu is guru, rakshak and the palankarta. That means father is teacher, protector and the savior. Father's day is the day of paying respect once again to him. Father’s Day is also known as Kuse Ausi or Pitri Tirpani Aausi or Gokarne Ausi. This day Nepali people pay their homage to their father with their favorite food, clothing and other dad’s favorite stuff. 
Mukh Herne means "to allow someone as our relative or give respect or to recognize the achievement of someone". This is a special day, we recognize and pay respect to our father for his care and love to us during his life. Hence, this day is called "Babu ko Mukh herne din”. The literal meaning of Mukh Herne is to see someone's face. 
 A day when children show their gratitude and appreciation for his guidance and teachings in life. Sons and daughters, near or far, come with presents and confictions to spend the day with their fathers. Children spend their hoarded coins on presents, which expresses honour and love in their own special ways. The streets are a gay scene of married daughters on their way to their parents' home with delicacies . After the offering of gifts, they touch their father's feet with their foreheads , this act of veniration is done by the sons only , the daughters touch the hand. The ceremony is also known as "looking upon father's face".
People with or without fathers worship the Gokarneswor Mahadev on this day. It is a sacred shrine of lord Shiva , renowned for his singularly close communion with the souls of dead . The shrine lies in Gokarna village, five miles east of Kathmandu. The fatherless people honour the memory of their fathers and promote welfare of his soul here.
Mythology has placed the Gokarna shrine in prehistoric times when Lord Shiva hid himself in the Pashupatinath forest, disguised as a one-horned golden deer, from the gods and mankind. While he spent his days frolicking, the world suffered so Lord Vishnu, the preserver, Lord Brahma, the creator and Lord Indra, the king of Gods, took matters into their hands and searched for him. Finally a goddess revealed Shiva's disguise. So when they finally caught the deer by the horn , it burst into fragments and Shiva revealed himself. He asked the other three gods to establish his horn in their three worlds. So, Vishnu installed his section in his abode in Vaikuntha, Indra in his realm in heaven and Brahma enshrined it at the sacred site of Gokarneshwor. The following day the gods and goddesses descended and bathed in Bagmati river, paid homage to Shiva and established the present day tradition of ancestor worship at gokarna.
Gokarna Aunsi is yet another festival in the continuous procession of holy days, wherein homage is paid deities and the bonds of family and kinship is renewed and strengthened.   

Saturday, August 11, 2012

About Muktinath

Annapurna Conservation Area is the largest (7629 sq. km) protected area of Nepal where Muktinath is situated. Muktinath is a sacred temple of Hindus; most of them wish to visit to this temple once in their life time. Thousands of devotees from Nepal and India visit this site every year. Apart from religious tour, the unique biodiversity, the scenic grandeur in combination with the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic diversity make it the world’s most popular trekking destinations. Muktinath tour used to be one of the strenuous trekking destinations at before because one has to walk from the Pokhara since there were no vehicles and flight was very uncertain. But now it is more recognized as a tour site rather than trekking due to easy accessibility of the road transport and regular flight. One can easily board the flight or take bus from Pokhara to reach Jomsom (2720 m) and Muktinath. However, by bus journey would be quite tiresome due to drive in bumpy road for more than 12 hours.

Main Attractions
- Muktinath Temple – situated at 3700 m from sea level
- Marpha – Apple City
- Dhumba Lake at 3000 m altitude
- Kagbeni- the meeting point of two rivers
- Amazing landscape all the way to Muktinath
- Mustang Eco- Museum
- Strolling around Jomsom Bazzar and take the pleasure of hot coffee in coffee bar in the breeze
On the Way to Jomsom
- View of Mt. Fishtail – one of the most beautiful Mountains
- Beautiful chain of Himalayas on the way to Mustang

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Gaura Parwa

Gaura Parva is another celebration honoring Lord Krishna's birthday. It is celebrated in far western Nepal with much gusto for two days (August/September). Apart from the many ceremonies that happen during this festival, it is the occasion for married women to put on the sacred thread. The deuda dance is a major part of the festivities in which participants hold hands and form a circle as they step to traditional music. The deuda dance is major part of the festivities in which participants hold hands and form a circle as they stepped to traditional music.

About Shree Krishna Ashthami

Shree Krishna Janmastami marks the celebration of the birth of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. This festival is also known as Krishna Janmashtami. Lord Krishna is regarded as the 8th avatar or 'incarnation' of Vishnu. The life of Shree Krishna is the most stirring saga of one of the greatest saviors and propounders of 'Dharma'. His life is filled with numerous dangers over which he ultimately gained victory. The stories of how he killed, one after the other, all the demonic adversaries- Pootana, Shakata, Agha, Dhenuka, Bakaa, Keshi, Kansa, Shishupala, Jarasandha etc. - has made him the peerless savior of mankind.

Krishna's Birth

Mathura was the capital of a kingdom in North India. Ugrasen was the king of Mathura. He had a son, Kangsa and a daughter, Devki. During the lavish wedding of Devki to Vasudev. Thy death is written at the hand of the eighth son born to this union.' Through the ensuing years the demon king put to death six children born to Devki in the dungeons of the Palace. On the day that Sri Krishna was born it was raining and dark. At midnight a bright light appeared in the room of Devki. Then the child was born. Vasudev, terrified for the bay's safety, carried it in a basket through the opened gates of the dungeon. On account of the heavy rain the river Yamuna was swollen. But as he stepped out of the prison the rain stopped and the dim light of the moon showed the way. A huge snake taking the shape of an umbrella protected the child. As he reached the river the waters were divided leaving a dry path for Vasudev to cross. Vasudev went to the home of his friend Nanda. He exchanged the baby boy with a baby girl and went back. The following day, when Kangsa tried to kill the baby girl she slipped from his hands and the image of Devi appeared. The one who is destined to kill you has already taken birth elsewhere.' Sri Krishna flourished under Nanda's and Yashodha's care and later on slew the wicked Kansa. On Krishna Janmashtami numerous devotees flock to the ancient Krishna temple in old Patan Durbar Square to keep vigil through the glorious night of his birth. As they sit huddled together their bodies rocking in humble obeisance, the women chant the many names of the Lord,'Narayan, Narayan' and Gopal, Gopal'. Some sing ancient hymns, others clap their hands, while some pray. Crowds of men and women edge their way slowly up narrow steps through the seated devotees to the temple's dark interior to where the main idol stands. There they offer flowers, coins and food and wait for a glimpse of Krishna Janmastami festival at Krishna Mandir the idol.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Gandaki River

The Kali Gandaki or Gandaki River is one of the major rivers of Nepal and a left bank tributary of the Ganges in India. It is also called Krishna Gandaki in Nepal. It has a total catchment area of 46,300 square kilometers (17,900 sq mi), most of it in Nepal. The basin also contains 3 of the world's 14 highest mountains over 8,000m, the three being Dhaulagiri I, Manaslu and Annapurna I.Dhaulagiri I is the highest point of the Gandaki basin.The river is called Sapta (seven) Gandaki for seven tributaries rising in the Himalaya or further north along the main Ganges-Brahmaputra divide. These are called Daraudi, Seti, Madi, Kali, Marsyandi, Budhi, and Trisuli.
The Kali Gandaki river source is at the border with Tibet at an altitude of 6,268 m (20,564 ft) at the Nhubine Himal Glacier in the Mustang region of Nepal.  The headwaters stream on some maps is named the Chhuama Khola and then, nearing Lo Manthang, the Nhichung Khola or Choro Khola. The Kali Gandaki then flows southwest through a sheer-sided. In Kagbeni a major tributary named Johng Khola or Kak Khola descends from Muktinath.The river then flows southward through a steep gorge known as the Kali Gandaki Gorge, between the mountains Dhaulagiri (8167 m) to the west and Annapurna I (8091 m) to the east. If one measures the depth of a canyon by the difference between the river height and the heights of the highest peaks on either side. The portion of the river directly between Dhaulagiri and Annapurna I is at an elevation of 2520 metres, 5571 metres lower than Annapurna I. The river is older than the Himalayas.
South of the gorge, the river is joined by Rahughat Khola at Galeshwor, Myagdi Khola at Beni, Modi Khola near Kushma and Badigaad at Rudrabeni above Ridi Bazaar. The river then turns east to run along the northern edge of the Mahabharat Range. The largest hydroelectricity project in Nepal is located along this stretch of the river. Turning south again and breaking through the Mahabharats, Kali Gandaki is then joined by a major tributary, Trishuli at Devighat,The trisuli river is already mixed with five tibutaries named budugandaki, marshyandi, daraudi, seti and madi, then by the (East) Rapti draining the Inner Terai valley known as Chitawan. The Gandaki then crosses the outermost foothills of the Himalayas—Sivalik Hills—into the Terai plains of Nepal. From Devighat, the river flows southwest of Gaindakot town and is known as Narayani or Sapt Gandaki.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tansen (Palpa)

Tansen, an ancient hill town, with its architecture strongly influenced by Newari migrants from the Kathmandu valley is waiting to be discovered by the tourists. Pokhara and the Himalayas, this town offers an opportunity to experience genuine Nepalese culture, away from westernized places like Thamel in Kathmandu or Lakeside in Pokhara. Old artistic Newari houses and cobbled streets shape the townscape. The town's hill, Shreenagar, allows breathtaking views of the Himalayan range from Dhaulagiri in the west to Ganesh Himal in the east.
Tansen is the district administrations headquarter of Palpa district, one out of 75 districts in Nepal, and since 1957 a Municipality. It is itself often referred to as Palpa, and its people (population approx. 13,000 in the core area) as Palpalis.
At an elevation of about 1350-m (4430 ft) above sea level the town experiences a pleasant climate throughout the year. The maximum temperature, even in pre-monsoon times, hardly exceeds 31°C (88 F) and only in December/ January the minimum temperature can fall below 10°C (50 F). The annual precipitation is about 1500 mm of which 90% falls in the monsoon season. The name of the town "Tansen" has its origin in Magar language, meaning "northern settlement". Magars are one of the ethnic groups of Nepal having their own language, culture and history, and are assumed to be the first settlers in this area. Around 600 years ago, Nepal was divided into several small kingdoms and hill states. In this region, they were known as "Bahra Magarat", meaning the "twelve regions of Magar". The percentage of Magar population in these districts is very high till today.
During the invasion of Muslims into India, numerous kings and clans escaped from there to the northern hill areas. In the late 15th century, they entered the Himalayan region. Some of them conquered the local kings and established their own states. The former Sen - Dynasty of Palpa, founded by Rudra Sen, had its roots in those days. Under the reign of his son, Mukunda Sen (1518 - 1553), the kingdom of Palpa reached its largest expansion and Tansen became its capital. The kingdom of Palpa spread as far as the Koshi River in the east, Gorakhpur in the south and today's Gulmi and Kaski districts in the west and north. Mukunda Sen, though unsuccessful, attacked Kathmandu valley too. After ruling thirty-five years, he resigned and spent the rest of his life as a saint.
In 1806, after a lot of political unrest, the kingdom of Palpa, which until then had been independent, was annexed into the kingdom of Nepal and was then administered by a governor, appointed from Kathmandu.Political changes in Nepal brought up changes in the administration too. Today the head of Palpa district is the CDO (Chief District Officer) and Tansen is one out of 58 Municipalities in Nepal.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Chitawan National Park

A visit to Nepal remains incomplete without seeing the beauty of the Terai. And Chitwan is the best place to do so. The Royal Chitwan National Park, established in 1973, provides a great wildlife experience with its rich flora. The wildlife and the landscape are not as breathtaking as those found in Africa but still, the experience will stand out.Chitwan is only 150m above the sea level. The place gets steamy from March-June, with peak temperatures reaching 43°C in the shade. Short grass makes Feb-May the best game-viewing season, but the autumn months are gorgeous, with Himalayan views, and in winter (December-January). The monsoon season (July-August) is intense, with pounding rain, swollen rivers, and luxuriant vegetation. While the rain isn't constant, the humidity is all pervasive. 

The flora and fauna of Chitwan makes it a great place for nature lovers. Chitwan has over 50 different species of mammals, 400 different species of birds, and 65 different types of butterflies in its hardwood Sal forests, riverine vegetation, and "elephant grass" savannah. More than 70 different species of grass grow here.The most famous wildlife in Chitwan is perhaps the single-horned Asian rhinoceros. A few decades ago, their number had fallen to less than 100, but recent count puts them at 400. These animals have thick armor like hide that is hard to penetrate even with a bullet.A fully grown animal can be as tall as 180cm. In spite of army protection for these animals and severe punishment for harming them, rhino poaching is still a problem as every organ of the animal carries some (probably superstitious) value. The horn fetches about US$10,000 per kilo and is believed to be an aphrodisiac. The dung can be a laxative, the urine cures tuberculosis and asthma. The blood can help cure menstrual problems. The hide keeps away evil spirits. And so on.

Chitwan has about 150 Bengal tigers left of the one time 3000 or so. Though poaching is a serious threat, the real threat for these majestic animals is the gradual loss of its habitat. A male tiger requires almost 60km space, and a female one requires a third of it. Chitwan is simply not big enough to handle many tigers. It is rare for one to actually see a tiger, though looking for one is an interesting part of the trip.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Gauri Sankar

Gauri Sankar lies near the western edge of the Rolwaling Himal, about 100 kilometres (62 mi) northeast of Kathmandu. (It is almost directly between Kathmandu and Mount Everest, and is visible from Kathmandu.) To the west of the peak lies the valley of the Bhote Kosi, the western boundary of the Rolwaling Himal. To the north lies the Menlung Chu, which separates it from its sister peak Menlungtse. To the south lies the Rolwaling Chu, which leads up to the Tesi Lapcha pass, giving access to the Khumbu region. It is in the district of Dolakha, a very welcoming district of cultural diversity and breath taking natural sights. The main headquarter of which is just in a blink of 136 kilometers east of Kathmandu.  

The first attempts to climb Gauri Sankar were made in the 1950s and 1960s but weather, avalanches and difficult ice faces defeated all parties. From 1965 until 1979, the mountain was officially closed for climbing. When permission was finally granted in 1979, an American-Nepalese expedition finally managed to gain the top, via the West Face. This was a route of extreme technical difficulty. The permit from the Nepalese Ministry of Tourism stipulated that the summit could only be reached if an equal number of climbers from both nations were on the summit team. John Roskelley and Dorje Sherpa fulfilled that obligation.
In the same year, a British-Nepalese expedition climbed the long and difficult Southwest Ridge to the south summit (7010m). Though they did not make the long additional traverse to the main summit, their climb was a significant achievement in itself.
The Himalayan Index lists only two additional ascents of the main summit of Gauri Sankar. The second ascent was made in the spring of 1984 by Wyman Culbreth and Ang Kami Sherpa, via a new route on a ridge on the southwest face. The third ascent (and the first winter ascent), in January 1986, was by South Korean Choi Han-Jo and Ang Kami Sherpa.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Devghat is a town located at the junction of the Sapta Gandaki and Krishna Gandaki rivers in Central Nepal and is one of the holiest places in Hindu mythology as well as a holy place for Hindu gods. Lying 7 kilometres from the city of Narayangarh, 20 kilometres from Sauraha and 150 kilometres southwest of the capital Kathmandu. The area boasts many natural features due to its geography and climate including tropical forests, wild animals and birds.  Dev ghat is home to various temples and caves of Hindu gods, goddesses, and saints including Goddess Sita's cave, Bashistha Cave, Radha Krishna Temple, Galeshwor Temple, Sita Ram Temple, Laxmi Narayan Temple, Shankaracharya Temple, Bageshori Temple, Laxmi Narayan Divya Dham, Maula Kalika Temple, and Bishwa Shanti Dharmashala among others. Mahesh Sanyas, Hari Hara, Sharana Gati, Galeshwor, Radha Sarbeshwor Bhajan and Yogi Narahari Nath are ashrams where various religious activities are performed all year round. In Makar Sankranti, hugemelas (gatherings) are observed each year making it one of the largest religious melas in Nepal. The date when this festival started remains unknown. Hindu pilgrims bathe at the junction of the Krishna Gandaki river well-known for its rare 'Saligram Sheela (holy stone), which Hindu devotees worship as Lord Vishnu which are in India. 

Devghat is in a modern transitional stage of development. It has three high schools, one post-graduate college, three retirement home projects, one ayurvedic health station, part of Bharatpur medical college, the guest house of B P Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital etc. Volunteers from various health organizations provide free health check up camps on a regular basis. A historic suspension bridge connects the Tanahun and Chitwan districts of the town.
The government of Nepal has established Devghat Area Development Committee for the integrated development of this area while the non-resident Nepalese Association has established a project to construct 200 retirement homes in the Chitwan district of the town.
A proposed Saptagandaki hydropower plant is in the pipeline for construction. It is expected that living standards in the area will improve if the project goes ahead.

Monday, June 4, 2012


Sarankot or Sarangkot is Village Development Committee in Kaski District in the Gandaki Zone of northern-central Nepal. At the time of the 1991 Nepal census it had a population of 5,060 persons residing in 1,010 individual households.
The village is located on a mountainside ridge at an altitude of 1600m with panoramic Himalayan views. From Sarankot, on the northern direction we can see Dhawalagiri in the far west . Annapurna range is visible when the weather is clear on the same side. On the southern direction the village overlooks the city of Pokhara and its lake on the north-western outskirts of the city.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


Lukla is a town in the Khumbu area of the Solukhumbu District in the Sagarmatha Zone of north-eastern Nepal. Situated at 2,860 metres (9,383 ft), it is a popular place for visitors to the Himalayas near Mount Everest to arrive. Although Lukla means place with many goats and sheep, few are found in the area these days.
Lukla contains a small airport servicing the region, and a variety of shops and lodges catering to tourists and trekkers, providing western-style meals and trail supplies.
From Lukla, most trekkers will take two days to reach Namche Bazaar, both an interesting village and an altitude acclimatization stop for those continuing on.
Lukla is served by the Tenzing-Hillary Airport. Weather permitting, twin-engined Dornier and Twin Otters make frequent daylight flights between Lukla and Kathmandu. Lukla Airport has a very short and steep airstrip, often compounded by hazardous weather, resulting in several fatal accidents. It has been called the most dangerous airport in the world. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Janakpur, known as Janakpurdham, is one of the historical and religious cities of Nepal. Janakpur is the administrative headquarters of Dhanusa District of the Janakpur Zone and has a population of approximately 80,000. The city is located about 123 km south-east of Kathmandu, 20 km from the Indian border at 26° 42' 44" N, 085° 55' 18" E. Janakpur has a substantial tourism industry due to its significance in the Hindu religion and is home to the only operational railway in Nepal, the Janakpur Railway. 
Janakpur historically called Mithilanchal, is the centre of the ancient Maithili culture, which has its own language and script.
The first millennium BC text Shatapatha Brahmana  tells that the king Mathava Wideha, led by his priest Gotama Rahugana, first crossed the Gandaki river and founded the kingdom of Wideha, whose capital city was Mithila. As Gotama Rahugana composed many hymns in the Rgveda, these events must date to the Rgvedic period.
The most important historical reference to Mithila/Janakpur is in the Hindu epic Ramayan, where Lord Ram's wife Sita Devi (also called Janaki) is said to have been the princess of Wideha. Her father, King Janak found baby Sita in a furrow of a field and raised her as his daughter. When she grew up, the king announced that she should be wed by whoever was able to string the divine bow of Shiva. Though many royal suitors tried, Lord Ram prince of Ayodha alone could even lift the bow. As Ram and Sita are major figures in Hinduism, Janakpur is an important pilgrimage site for Hindus.
In addition, both the great saints Gautama Buddha, founder of Buddhism, and Wardamana Mahavira, the 24th and final Tirthankara of the Jain religion, are said to have lived in Mithila/Janakpur. The region was an important centre of Indian history during the first millennium.
The centre of Janakpur is dominated by the impressive Janaki Mandir to the north and west of the bazaar. This temple, one of the biggest in Nepal, was built in 1898 by Queen Brisabhanu Kunwar of Tikamgarh. It is also called "Nau Lakha Mandir" after the cost of construction, said to be nine (nau) lakh. The oldest temple in Janakpur is Ram Mandir, built by the Gurkhali soldier Amar Singh Thapa Pilgrims also visit the more than 200 sacred ponds in the city for ritual baths. The two most important, Dhanush Sagar and Ganga Sagar, are located close to the city centre. The wiwah Mandap temple where Lord Ram and Sita are said to have been married. It is situated next to the Janki Mandir.
Major religious celebrations include the major Hindu festivals such as Bijaya Dasami, and Dipawali. followed by spectacular Chhath Puja (sun worship) six days after Dipawali. Both the festivals Dipawali and Chhath are heavily celebrated with a carnival-like atmosphere. The locals take pride in the way these festivals are celebrated.
On the full moon day of February/March before the festival of Holi a one-day Parikrama (circumambulation) of the city is celebrated. Many people offer prostrated obeisances along the entire eight km route. Two other festivals honor Ram and Sita: Ram Nawami, the birthday of Lord Ram, in March–April, draws thousands of pilgrims. And the Biwaha Panchami or Biwaha festival re-enacts the wedding of Ram and Sita at the famous Biwaha Mandap temple on the fifth day of the waxing moon in November or early December(after Kartik Purnima),where Rama broke the bow of Shiva.
Pilgrims stay in one of the city's five good hotels or small guest houses. There are also five fully equipped dharmashalas.

Begnas Lake

Begnas Lake is the second largest lake of Pokhara Valley. Tucked away at an altitude of 650 meters, this lake is located in the Siswa village on the eastern part of Pokhara and is 13 km away from the city of Pokhara. Spread across a total area of 3 square km, the lake has a capacity of 29.05 million cubic meters. Average water depth of the lake is 9.37 meters and the maximum water depth is 13.84 meters. The northern and western parts of the Begnas Lake are relatively deeper than the eastern and southern parts.

If one thing defines Pokhara in popular tourist imagination, then it is its lakes with crystal clear. The word ‘Pokhara’ means the valley of the lakes and the word is a direct derivation of ‘Pokhari’ which literally means a lake. Apart from Begnas Lake, the other lakes which are some of the major Tourist Attractions in Pokhara are Phewa, Rupa, Maidi, Khaste, Gunde, Dipang and Kamal Pokhari inside the valley. 

The Begnas Lake area is composed of slate and phyllite zone with beds of calcareous conglomerate and gravel deposits. The vegetation here is different in comparison with that of the other parts of Pokhara. The major species on the southern aspect of the hills on the northern part of the Begnas Lake is Shorea robuista while the major species of the forest on the northern aspect of the hill lying on the southern part of the lake is Schima-Castonopsis. Dense forest characterizes the northern and southern part of the lake whereas there is cultivation on the eastern part and fishery project on the western part. The lake water is drained out by Khudi Khola from the western part. 

The forest area is rich with diversity of flora and fauna. The forest surrounding the Begnas Lake in Pokhara is home to more than 150 species of avian species. The northern part of the lake is best site for spotting water fowls. The forest is also home to mammal species including leopards. You will find here some endangered species of plants and animals.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Manakamana Temple

Manakamana is the name of a Hindu Goddess. It is believed that the Goddess fulfils the wishes of the people. The term ‘mana’ means the ‘heart’ or ‘soul’ and ‘kamana’ means the ‘wish’.
The most popular temple of Manakamana is in Gorkha. The others are in various places like manakamana. It is said that a King of Gorkha was blessed by the goddess to get victory over small kingdoms and make a big Gorkha. Manakamana of gorkha is a popular place for a specific fair called Panchami. The temple was initially inaccessible and one had to ride on horseback for 2–3 days. Now it is easily accessible by Cable Car. 

The queen of Ram Shah, the king of Gorkha born in 1614 AD, was a goddess known to only her devotee, Lakhan Thapa. One day the king saw his queen in the form of a goddess. He told about it to Lakhan Thapa and he died instantly, in 1636 AD. The queen committed Sati (commit cremation with the husband's pyre as per custom of that time). Lakhan Thapa lamented on her Sati.The queen consoled him to reappear again. Six months later, a farmer hit a stone while ploughing his field. Blood and milk came out from the stone. Lakhan Thapa came to know the news. He worshipped the place with 'tantric' rituals. The flow of blood and milk ceased. The site became the foundation of the present-day shrine- Manakamana Temple. Manakamana meaning wishes fulfilling goddess. The current pujari, Priest, is the 17th generation descendant of Lakhan Thapa. 

There is cable car service, the only cable car service in Nepal, from Kurintar to Manakamana, It is 10 minutes cable car ride from Kurintar to Manakamana. Kurintar is 95 km, 2 hours drive, from Kathmandu on the way to Pokhara. Kurintar is at an altitude of 258 meter high from sea level. When there was no cable car service people used to walk 3–4 hours all the way to Manakamana. Due to the Cable Car it is now very easy to get to this one of the most famous religious destination.

Bindabasini Temple

Pokhara is a popular destination in Nepal, filled with many fascinating sights for tourists to investigate. One of the most popular and most visited of these is the intriguing Bindabasini Temple, known locally asBindhyabasini Mandir. Standing proudly atop a hill, this striking temple looks calmly over the bustling city of Pokhara.
The white pagoda-styled building of the Hindu Bindabasini Temple quietly sits at some 3000 feet above sea level along the renowned Annapurna and Machhpuchhare mountain ranges. It is located near the busy Old Bazaar of Pokhara, a center of commerce in the Himalayas.
Bindabasini temple or Bindhyabasini Mandir is of great religious importance to Hindus living in the Pokhara region. It is a vital hub of religious fervor. The temple itself is dedicated to the Hindu goddess Durga, who is Pokhara's chosen guardian deity. Durga, also known as Shakti or Kali has numerous manifestations and at the Bindabasini temple she is seen as Bhagwati, a blood-thirsty aspect of the goddess. Durga appears in the form of a Saligram. A Saligram, according to Hindu mythology is an propitious stone. It is said that the temple was created after the goddess ordered king Khadag Bum Malla to set up a her statue here. The Bindabasini temple was then founded in BS 1845. Since its establishment, Bhagwati has been an object of worship here on a daily basis. Animal sacrifices are typically presented at the temple on Saturdays and Tuesdays. The Hindu festival of Dashain sees large numbers of believers coming to offer sacrifices at Binhyabasini Mandir. Indeed, there is little space for tourist during the festival of Dashain.
The ornate structure of Bindabasini Temple is surrounded by a park-like landscape. Many come here to enjoy pleasant picnics whilst enjoying the amazing panorama. Spectacular views can be absorbed from this marvelous vantage point which looks out over the town of Pokhara and takes in some of the impressive Himalayas. Adding to the peaceful atmosphere is the fresh scent of “Dhup”.
A visit to Bindabasini Temple can be combined with a stroll through the Old Bazaar. Nearby is also the popular holiday leisure spot of Phewa Lake. Located at the foot of the hill on which Bindabasini Temple stands is the roadway to Sarangkot, another popular lookout point.

Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave

This Cave divided into two parts. First parts is about 40 meters long, there is a natural cave and temple of Load Shiva to visit the first you have to pay Rs 30 per person as entry fee. In this first part you are not allowed to take photos. Next parts start after temple which way goes to the down side if Devis fall, the distance about 100 meters from second entrance, from there you can see the view of Davis Fall as well as natural rocks, Electric lights are managed for the convenience of the visitor. To visit 2nd part you have to pay Rs 100 per person. This cost covers 1st part and 2nd part. So if you pay Rs 100 you can visit both parts. After the Lord Shiva temple on second parts of this Cave you are allowed to take photos. Second parts is closed during 4 month of Monsoon.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mount Everest

Mount Everest is one of the tallest mountains in the world. It is part of the Himalayan Mountains. They were formed in the last few million years. After the supercontinent of Laurasia broke up millions of years ago, India moved slowly north towards Asia and then crashed into it. The seabed between the two plates (the earth's crust is divided into large areas of land called plates) was crumbled and pushed up on the northern rim of India to form mountains. These two plates of the earth's crust are still moving, so the Himalayas are being pushed up higher.
The highest mountain on the planet, Mount Everest is growing two inches taller each year. Satellite technology says the mountain is currently 29,107 feet tall. First recognized as the highest peek in 1852, it got its western name ten years later in 1862. Mount Everest was named for Sir George Everest (1790-1866), a British surveyor. Surveyors don't agree on the height of Mount Everest. The British government in the 1800's thought the height was 29,002 feet. In 1954 the Indian government said it's 29,028 feet, but a widely used unofficial figure says it is 29,141 feet! 
Mount Everest sits on the border between Nepal and Tibet. 
People from the western hemisphere weren't allowed to climb Mount Everest until the early 1920's. The first known climb that made it to the top was made by a New Zealander named Edmund Hillary and a Napalese named Tenzing Norgay. They climbed the mountain in 1953. Since then Everest has been climbed by 400 people. Access is restricted by the Nepalese to prevent too much damage to the environment.
Mount Everest is 97 degrees below freezing, talk about cold!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Panchase Fewa lake Watershed Development Committee is a non profitable, non political social organization organized by the people living in Fewalake watershed area. It was established in 2067-06-17 (3 Oct. 2010) by an assembly representing all the six VDC's (Bhadaure Tamagi, Chapakot, Dhikurpokhari, Kaskikot, Sarangkot & Pumdhi Bhumdi)  of Fewa Lake catchments area. The assembly was managed by Nillgagan BIkash Samaj, Bhadaure Tamagi-4, Harpan Kask.